Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leaked Anti-union Home Depot Video

Apparently The Video we uploaded went on to spread before we had a chance to write about it.

DVD sent to stores
In October 2010 Corporate office sent this DVD to all American stores and required the stores to show all associates this Video.

As evidence these meetings were held (beyond what every employee can tell you) I'd also like to provide  an HTML file taken from Home Depot's Internal associate network called "the Warehouse" where a few employees express concerns about the meeting . While I'm sure no one will deny or doubt the meetings I simply want to provide all the information I was given.

It's been converted to a PDF format with names blacked out to protect innocent workers. 

PDF FILE(Changed host works again 4/18 seeking private server it WILL stay public)

(4/22 Video is up again)

Antifackliga lögn - MyVideo

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this it's awesome - makes me want to go work for Home Depot just to vote UNION!
